The EzGo golf cart is powered by an installed conversion battery pack made with high quality LiTec automotive 2015 batteries - 52Ah measured capacity. It has configuration 14S1P.  Total energy capacity 2600Wh.

The EzGo golf cart is owned by our shop, it has the original motor and controller, but reprogrammed to the maximum speed of 19.5MPH and with the fastest acceleration possible (Thanks to Gary A, Orlando, FL). Motor is rated 3200W, but during the tests the measured maximum peak power reached 11000W. During climbing uphill the average power was 5000-6000W. As a result the motor almost burned during the tests. It was running nonstop for an hour and became very hot and smell burning. 

The odometer was calibrated with no more than 3% error. The maximum speed reached was 19MPH - there is no difference in the maximum speed during climbing or rolling down.

The pack installed for the tests is similar to:

 LiTec Battery pack 52V 2.6kWh

or this one:

LiTec Battery pack 52V 2.6kW with BMS

Here are the results: 




The total miles traveled until the battery reached 48V (3.4V per cell) were 25. No BMS for discharge protection installed. We recommend using 48V as a minimum, since there is not so much power left in the battery. At the 48V point - we had 4 miles more left.

On a grassy (golf course) terrain expect less miles.  


Video of the test track

Total round trip traveled 0.55 mi including: 0.2 mi climbing, 0.075 mi flat terrain, 0.2 miles downhill, 0.075 mi flat. 

Average speed: 14.5 mi/hMPH with frequent stops and acceleration.

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